Contemporary Western Designs

Sometimes it’s not enough to hang that trophy on the wall. Santa Fe artist Richard Stump has come up with a way for outdoorsmen and women and any collector alike, to wear their trophies – or at least commemorate them – on belt buckles and various jewelry.

About Richard

Richard, a native Santa Fean, made his first piece of jewelry in high school, but he didn’t consider doing it professionally until the early ‘80s. He has shown his work at major galleries in Santa Fe and in all of the Southwestern states as well as in New York and Los Angeles. He studied fine art at the University of New Mexico and fine art and illustration at the Art Center College of Design in Pasadena, California.

The Art

Richard hand fabricates every piece that comes out of his studio. Working in both silver and gold, he does not cast his pieces but rather cuts everything by hand. The engraving, too, is done by hand. “I don’t just do the design and hand it over to a workshop. Each piece takes time, each process is labor intensive. To me, that’s what makes it an art form.”
